In order to provide products and services to you, we will collect, process and protect your personal information and privacy and security in strict accordance with laws and regulations and following the principles of proper, legal and necessary. This list will help you understand how we collect and use your personal information.

Function/service name

Type of information

Scenario/purpose of use

Retention period

Registration, login and use of account

Users in China: cell phone number/ Wechat account (nickname/ avatar)/ QQ account (nickname/ avatar)/ Apple ID (nickname/ avatar)

Users not in China: E-mail/ Facebook (nickname/ avatar) / Apple ID (nickname/ avatar)

Scenario of use:when users register for the first time; when users login; when password change requires the verification(not involved when logging in with the third party account).

Purpose of use:account registration, login, verification

Within 7 days after user request deletion

Nickname, avatar, gender, motto, third-party account information

Scenario of use:when users actively upload, register, modify account, and authorize third-party account login.
Purpose of use:improve account information

Within 7 days after user request deletion

notification message push

Device identification information:device identifier(IMEI, IDFA, Android ID, MAC, OAID, Advertising ID, Serial Number, IMSI, UAID, ICCID ), device platform, device vendor ; application list information

Scenario of use:after obtaining authorization, when users launch the App; when users allow App to push messages;provide basic anti-cheat capability to identify virtual machine environments.

Purpose of use: users accept App message push; generate OAID for MSA Mobile Security Alliance push devices.

Within 7 days after user request deletion

Statistical analysis services

Device identification information (IMEI/ Android ID/ DEVICE_ID/ IDFA, SIM card IMSI information, OAID)

Scenario of use: when launching the App, when the App generates an exception error. Purpose of use:to provide statistical analysis services, to improve performance and user experience through application launching data and abnormal error log analysis to provide better service to users.

Within 7 days after user request deletion

Operating system adaptation

Cell phone model, brand and operating system, Screen resolution, Cell phone ROM version

Scenario of use:when launching the app, when users use the functions of each page.

Purpose of use:to ensure App compatibility and stable operation of smart devices.

Within 7 days after user request deletion

Connecting networks and devices / using security

Location information

Scenario of use:when the phone connects to WIFI

Purpose of use:connect Bluetooth, WIFI; identify the region, connect to the server; identify the altitude,

ensure the safety of hardware use

Within 7 days after user request deletion


Log information (IP address, language used, version of operating system, date or time of access)

Scenario of use:collected synchronously when launching the App

Purpose of use:problem identification and security

Within 7 days after user request deletion

Device connection

Bluetooth information

Scenario of use:after obtaining authorization, when users connect the App to the device.

Purpose of use:for App to connect to the device, detect and remotely control the device.

Within 7 days after user request deletion

Device connection

WIFI list information

Scenario of use:after obtaining authorization, when user connects the App to the device.

Purpose of use:get cell phone WIFI list information for App to connect devices, detect and remotely control devices

Within 7 days after user request deletion

Personalized settings / feedback

Memory card permission

Scenario of use:when reading memory card, uploading/replacing avatar, reading video and picture in cell phone when giving feedback; entering "Help-Help Document" to download files

Purpose of use:to change avatar, give feedback, and help users solve problems.

Within 7 days after user request deletion

Personalized settings / feedback

Photo album

Scenario of use:upload/ replace avatar, feedback upload pictures and videos.

Purpose of use:upload/ replace avatar; upload pictures and videos in feedback

Within 7 days after user request deletion

Feedback and after-sales

Feedback, pictures, videos, contact information, E-mail and other valid contact information

Scenario of use:when users provide feedback through comments, messages, and actively provide relevant contact information.

Purpose of use:for replying to users' questions and dealing with equipment failures.

Within 7 days after user request deletion Within 7 days after user request deletion